
Catch Me If You Can

By Frank W. Abagnale

The true story of a real fake. Frank W. Abagnale (played by a young Leonardo DiCaprio in the movie) was always looking to make a quick buck. At the ripe age of nineteen Frank figures out a way to successfully forge checks which racks up millions of dollars for him, or should I say the Pan Am pilot he impersonates. As his escapades start to draw the attention of Carl Hanratty, an FBI agent played by Tom Hanks, the chase to capture this faker begins. How much money can Frank rack up before he’s in handcuffs? A thrilling chase that was made into a movie directed by Steven Spielberg.


November 19, 1980

“What bothered me most was their lack of style. I learned early that class is universally admired. Almost any fault, sin or crime is considered more leniently if there’s a touch of class involved.”


Catch Me If You Can was one of the books that I wanted to read instead of watching the movie. While young Leo being chased by Tom Hanks all around the world is compelling I decided to use those images as placeholders while reading the scenes in the book. It is a really cool story that is all 100% real, although you can’t believe most of it. It was a simpler time back in the 1960s and forging checks required a steady hand and some know-how into how the whole banking system operates. While I won’t explain it here, Frank does a good job of breaking it down in the book and makes you realize that yes although he was a criminal in high school, he was at least a smart little fella. This ingenuity paired with the ridiculous adventures he goes on pretending to be a pilot serves as a fun ride to be taken on when reading this. There are highs and then some really low lows that make you ask yourself what the hell are you doing with your life? Obviously, we shouldn’t quit our jobs and become criminals. But should we?

Catch Me If You Can

By Frank W. Abagnale

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