
Palaver (v):

to talk unproductively and at length

We all talk. We all palaver. Some of us just write it down afterwards. Palaver House is a celebration of the written word and obsessing over all of those crazy little letters. Reading is something I never thought I’d end up loving having hated it as a kid. But here we are. Because of this I wanted to create a virtual bookshelf so that I could more easily share the content that is consuming my every day thoughts, and the books that are having a lasting impact on me. So please, take a look around. I’m sure there is a book in here you’ll end up unintentionally loving too.


The bookshelf is where I’ve compiled a list of all of the books I’ve read so far. It contains 70+ books that I’ve read since the start of college back in 2014. I encourage you to take from my bookshelf, add to yours and most importantly add to others.

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